Sunday, March 23, 2008

pocket full of peep.

Just sending out some happy easter wishes! Hope you all smiled today.


mindy said...

the only way i like peeps .. in pictures:) hope you had a happy easter.

Anonymous said...

I love this~ Love your creative eye here!!!
Spring is coming and I am so darn excited about it!
-Melissa E Earle

Lisa Julia Photography said...

I wish i saw the world through your eyes just for a day...i can't tell you how much i love your spirit and creativity...*sigh*
Happy Peep Day back atcha lol!

L. J. Lowe said...

I love it, Jen, I just love it. :)


Donna Boucher said...

I miss you jen!

Mare~Marmalade said...

where r u? searching for you in the regular haunts and not finding you...

anyway, hope that koolaid hasn't taken over you! LOL. it was a pleasure meeting you this past weekend. i adore you, girl. you rock.

Capturing the heart and soul of childhood said...

I am so lucky to have such good friends! Thanks so much you guys.

Donna! You are so sweet to notice I haven't been around flickr. OMGOsh I miss it so much. I miss all of you guys like crazy! I am, for the first time ever, really behind on proofing, trying to behave online and actually WORK when I have a moment, lol! But I'm hoping to pop in and see what you are all up to soon! THANK YOU for the sweetness!

Mare-girl you know I love you too. I'm just not posting/visiting much at all lately-life gets crazy. And after being gone for nine days straight, I've got some major catching up to do, lol!
Luckily I survived a fork attack over the weekend, lmao. And I'm still waiting on my kool aid and handsome spiritual leader, roflmao.
I've got to get over to your blog and see if you've posted any ws stuff! I can't wait to see! Your ws ROCKED woman. I'll be making a post allll about it in the next few days! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

This is your blog writing, you have neglected me for so long. Your blog loves you, please love your blog. ;-)