Saturday, November 1, 2008

A beautiful birthday girl and her darling big brother

What a fun day this was! The adorable little Brielle turned two on the day of our session. She was so bubbly and happy and excited for her party-a costume party, so we even let the kids play in their costumes for a bit! What a fun little spirit she is! And her big brother, also just adorable, was excited for the party as well. Ethan was energetic and happy too. Thank you so much for sharing such a special day with me and I hope you love your gallery!


Anonymous said...

Love, love love... oh, the little cheerleader and that adorable smooch!

Sylvia Laughrin said...

how darling! i love how you captured their sweet personalities!

Anonymous said...

Jen these are SO beautiful!!!

Cheryl Weaver said...

Jen, You DO capture the heart and soul of childhood! These are always! :)

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love these! It must have been a great fun session. The dress up ones made me laugh.

Diana Simpson said...

she is too cute

Lisa Julia Photography said... all of your work, these made me smile huge!! ox